Harley-Davidson BDC Services Tailored for Growth

Are you looking to increase sales for your Harley Davidson dealership? Allow our specialized Harley Davidson BDC services to assist you in achieving these goals. Partner with Virtual BDC to prioritize delivering exceptional service while we expertly manage lead engagement and appointment scheduling.

Streamline Your Sales Operations With Outsourced BDC

We offer a comprehensive suite of Harley-Davidson BDC services, designed to seamlessly integrate with your existing operations and empower your sales team.

Our team of passionate Harley-Davidson business development experts acts as an extension of your dealership, qualifying leads, fostering personalized communication, and scheduling appointments with qualified prospects.

This allows your sales team to focus on what they do best: building lasting customer relationships and increasing sales.

Shift Gears and Accelerate Your Sales

It’s time to take control and propel your dealership forward with our data-driven Harley-Davidson BDC services:

  • Lead Qualification and Nurturing: We identify high-potential leads and nurture them with personalized communication, maximizing your dealership’s sales potential.
  • Appointment Setting and Follow-Up: Our BDC specialists schedule appointments with qualified leads, maximizing your team’s conversion potential.
  • Multi-Channel Communication: We leverage the communication channels preferred by your target audience, be it phone, email, or text, to foster meaningful dialogue.
  • In-Depth Knowledge of Harley-Davidson: Our team possesses a deep understanding of Harley-Davidson models, brand identity, and the unique aspirations of your clientele.

Our Services

At Virtual BDC, we provide tailored solutions for every dealership. Our team of experts will manage your messages, emails, and leads on CRM and increase show room visits so your sales BDC team can put their focus on attending clients in the store.

Appointment Setting

Streamline your schedule with Virtual BDC's service of appointment setting for the dealership. Our trained BDC reps works on every online lead with a goal to connect with the prospect and schedule appointments that show at your car dealership.

Real-time Follow Up

Keep your dealership clients in real-time with Virtual BDC's Follow-Up service. Our BDC reps primary job is to manage online leads. As soon as lead arrives, we stop the clock with five minutes and our team will follow up on the lead till we connect with them and bring in to dealership.

Sales Development

We will help you improve sales process of your dealership by doing targeted outreach to customers. This can involve various communication mediums, such as calls, emails, and other ways of communication, to provide information, answer questions, and guide leads through the sales BDC process.

Live Chat Support

With our BDC service for dealerships, improve your customer service with Virtual BDC's dedicated Customer Support. Our skilled team handles communication channels efficiently and offers excellent support that not only resolves issues but also enhances your customer relationships and loyalty.

Beyond Testimonials: Measurable Results

Our Harley-Davidson BDC services are designed to deliver tangible results, reflected in key metrics such as:

  • Increased Lead Conversion Rates: Convert more leads into sales-ready prospects, maximizing your dealership’s ROI.
  • Enhanced Sales Efficiency: Free up your sales team to focus on closing deals and building customer loyalty.
  • Reduced Overhead Costs: Eliminate the need for additional staff recruitment and training, streamlining your operational costs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our Harley-Davidson BDC services offer a multitude of benefits, including:

  • Increased lead conversion rates: Upto 30% more showup rate for your leads.
  • Enhanced sales efficiency: Our BDC specialists handle lead qualification, appointment setting, and follow-up, allowing your sales team to focus on closing deals.
  • Reduced overhead costs: lower your operational cost y 40%
  • In-depth knowledge of Harley-Davidson: Our specialists possess a deep understanding of Harley-Davidson products, brand identity, and customer needs, ensuring a seamless customer experience.

Our comprehensive suite of services includes:

  • Appointment setting
  • Follow-up
  • Sales Development
  • Live Chat Support
  • Reporting and analytics

Absolutely! We offer seamless integration with your existing CRM system, ensuring a smooth workflow and centralized access to all lead data and communication history.

We understand the importance of maintaining your brand identity. We train our agents extensively on dealership inventory knowledge training before going live, ensuring our BDC specialists represent your dealership with professionalism and consistency.

We have qualified and well-trained experts for every business industry. We provide specialized expertise, industry knowledge, and a strategic approach to lead management. From appointment booking to real-time follow-ups, our business development representatives are dedicated to elevating your business.
We prioritize the security of your data. We employ robust measures, including encryption and secure protocols, to safeguard all client information. Our commitment to data security is unwavering, ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of your business data.

We encourage you to schedule a free consultation with our Harley-Davidson BDC specialists. During the consultation, we will discuss your specific needs, answer any questions you may have, and provide a customized proposal outlining how our services can benefit your dealership.